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Can't Think Of A Title, We're Still In Shock Over Here!

Ok, I'm not quite sure how to say this. So I guess I'll just blurt it out!

We did something crazy, fun, exciting, shocking, different, unbelievable, cute, (and honestly a little sad) over the weekend. *It was the Princess's idea:)

I'll give you a hint..........

It rhymes with:




I'll let you think that one over for a little bit......

Whould you like to comment?

  1. Same question here.

  2. oh man, I hope there is enough left to keep this blog going!!!!!!!

  3. What an amazing gift she gave someone. Now to get creative with the shorter hair ;-) Thanks for all the inspiration!

  4. That's great! I cut 12 inches off of my hair last June and I still have not mailed it off! Can't wait to see pictures!

  5. AWESOME!!! Such an amazing gift! Can't WAIT to see pictures!! Hurry, hurry and post!!! ::)

  6. OMG!!! Did you cry like I did?? It was such a beautiful thing, but I missed my baby's hair soooo much! I can't wait to see photos (and see new ideas for short hair!) :)

  7. seriously, you gave me chills. I am doing the OMG over here


    ps take off captcha. LOL

  8. WOW! What a change that will be for you both!! I really look forward to seeing some shorter "do's"! My daughter has a cute little "bob", but still loves me to braid it etc....tough, but I'm sure you'll give me ideas!

  9. You can't post that without pictures :) I bet she's adorable!

  10. Come on....the torture! Photos please!!! ;)

  11. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh--- I am so excited too see this!!! Photo's--- PHOTO'S!!!!

  12. I am so excited! I love your hair dos, but sometimes it is a little tricky trying to change them for my toddler's short hair. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  13. WOW! I can't wait to see pics.

  14. I can't wait to see it! I hope you post photos today!!!!!!

  15. I think that's fantastic! I did it a couple years ago & have a friend and her 6 year old daughter that did that 2 months ago. I'm very impressed.
    Both my girls hair is just below their shoulders and I'd love to see some more cute 'shorter' hair styles/dos.
    Way to go Princess!

  16. I cant believe you would do this. I personally think short hair is ugly on little girls. booooo

  17. I bet it looks sooooooo cute! Post pictures!!!!

  18. where are the pictures! I'm dying to see...and LOL @ Trisha :)

  19. Leaving us all hanging! LOL! Can't wait to see pictures!!

  20. What a sweet thing to do! I can't wait to see pics and what ideas you come up with for short hair!

  21. That means you cut off at least 8 or 10 inches!!!! But for a good cause so good for you. And that also means her hair is the about the same length as my daughters, I'm excited to see what you come up with for her.

  22. Anonymous needs to keep their crappy comments to theirselves!!!
    Im sure she will be adorable!

  23. Oh my -- how short is it?! I'm guessing you cut enough off for Locks of Love!? :-)

  24. Don't worry guys, pictures are coming most likely tomorrow. :)

    Sorry about the captcha Trisha! I had to do it because of naughty spam. I promise I didn't do it to annoy you LOL.

    Annonymous, that was kinda rude, don't ya think? She was actually more concerned with helping another child when she decided to do this (rather than how SHE would look in the end.) She's a very sweet girl with a big heart and acutally I think she looks adorable with short hair.

    Thanks for all the sweet comments everyone else.

  25. Someone needs to take a hammer to "Anonymous"....seriously! If you are going to make a nasty comment, then at least have the guts to use your real name and be accountable for your actions!

    I'm sure her hair will be as gorgeous as ever, and MORE IMPORTANTLY, you can tell she's a beautiful girl on the inside! What a selfless act of love!♥♥♥♥

  26. Kori, that is amazing! It is truly incredible!!

  27. ok... enough suspense! I am officially DYING to see pictures!

  28. What a selfless sweetheart! Way to go princess!!! Excited to see pics and new shorter styles :)

  29. I bet she's still adorable!!! And Locks of Love is a wonderful organization... be proud!

  30. I think that is so wonderful and selfless! What your daughter must realize (that anonymous apperantly does not), is that even a bad hair day is still a hair day (plus, with you as a mom, I am sure that she will only have good hair days!) ;) I grow and cut every 2 years to donate as well. It is something small that I can do to help someone else and show appreciation for what I have been blessed with.

  31. I'm SO excited!!! My daughters and I donated our hair a few months ago. And while I'm getting pretty good at adapting some hairdos to shorter hair, it's been kind of challenging because I'm not too creative myself. I'm super excited to see what you come up with! It'll be so helpful for me because almost all of the other hair blogs are geared towards longer hair.

    Thanks for all you do!

  32. My 7 year old daughter did that last summer... it's only when I see pics of her long hair that I miss it. She blessed someone else... nothing better than that!

  33. my two oldest princesses did the same thing last summer and the result was soo cute...however I will be needing your creativity with short hair so I am so glad that you have a generous princess to donate her locks so lovingly...can't wait to see some new do'es

  34. I am growing my hair out for Locks of Love, too. I have been inspired by so many ladies that have done this wonderful thing. What a beautiful person your Princess is! Can't wait to see photos, I'm sure she is adorable as ever!

  35. Such a worthy reason to cut hair! My oldest did the same thing last year! I agree I can't wait for some short hair ideas!

  36. I, for one, happen to think that short hair is adorable on girls! I can't wait to see pics! And huge huge kudos to your little girl for helping out with such a wonderful cause!

  37. To Anonymous:

    Come on now. What matters about a princess' beauty is the beauty of her character not the length of her hair.

    Think about that beautiful, sick, little girl who had no hair at all until Princess selflessly gave. One beautiful princess shared and now two princesses have beautiful hair!

  38. I have short hair and can't wait to see what my girls will get to try on my hair with your new ideas, yay!!! What a sweet thought girlie you have there!!!

  39. I can't wait to see a picture.

  40. lol doesn't give wigs to cancer patients like people seem to think. it's for alopecia and the patients do have to pay. plus they only use something like 2% of the hair donated and sell the rest. in my opinion a better donation is to the pantene beautiful lengths, children with hairloss, or the organizations using hair to clean the bp oil spill in the gulf. just my 2cents.

  41. my cousins daughter did that last year! her hair was past her bum and she cut it to her chin and she looked adorable! i can NOT wait to see pictures of ur little girl! post some sooooon please!

    also, anonymous, no one asked for ur "2 cents" so keep it to urself, its very obnoxious.

  42. Oh wow! I just cut my hair real short too and I've been looking for some short hairstyles!

  43. YAY for Princess!! What a sweet thing to do :)

  44. Good for your princess. You have made someone very happy with your donation. My four year old princess is planning to do the same thing this summer. Her hair hangs past her butt, and we've never cut it before. She is the one that wants to give it to "little kids who don't have hair" (we have a family history of cancer, so she understands not having hair and wearing a wig). I look forward to seeing the updated pictures, and learning some new ideas we can use, too.

  45. Anonymous you are so rude, at least the beautiful little princess was so thoughtful and selfless.And i agree w/ everyone else CANNOT wait for pics.:)

  46. I just hope that the hair actually gets used and not thrown away. Some of the research that's been done on The Locks of Love have said just that, that most hair is thrown away because most of it is not acceptable and they get SO many donations. Either that or it is sold and it's usually not used on kids with cancer but kids with a condition where their hair falls out and doesn't grow back in and then they usually do have to pay for it; it's not free. Not trying to be a downer about it but unfortunately, this is one thing that isn't very well known about Locks of Love and so a lot of hair gets donated by little girls and adults only to have it be for nothing. Hope that's not the case here and that your daughter's hair is put to good use!

    But unfortunately, not very much of the hair is actually used:

  47. What a sweet thing for your daughter to do! Don't listen to the jerk who said short hair was ugly on little girls. Your sweetie would still be gorgeous if she was bald!

    I can't wait to see the pictures!


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